Saturday, November 17, 2012

Mentor Transcript: Primary (Sensorial Materials, Practical Life, Joy of Teaching) Transcript Date: November 14, 2012

Click here to download transcript: Mentor Transcript: Primary (Sensorial Materials, Practical Life, Joy of Teaching)


  1. I am a Montessori mother and grandmother in a 32 year love affair with the methodology. Two of my five daughters have gone on to become directresses/guides--one primary, one elementary.

    While reading through the primary transcript this session, it struck me that there are many parallels with theater.

    Being an old "thespian" with lots of theater and musical theater under my belt, I see many useful lessons one can connect from Montessori practical life to the theater.

    The longest run of any show in which I was a part was 12 performances. As a semi-pro, that was just enough. All of us had jobs and kids, etc. So, between several months of rehearsals and the final product, it was tough, on occasion, to summon enthusiasm and "freshness".

    But we always had to remind ourselves that each audience deserved a brand new show. Translate: each child, each moment, deserves a renewed burst of enthusiasm.

    You Montessori teachers may not want to think of your passion for pouring lentils as theatrical, but it truly is. And kids just eat it up...I know, because I have observed it over and over again during these past 32 years.

    So ladies and gentleman, put on your jazz shoes and remember: "The show must go on!!" Your precious children deserve nothing less than the best!!!

  2. Anonymous, thank you so much for posting your encouraging and inspirational note.

    I will keep this quote in mind: "each child, each moment, deserves a renewed burst of enthusiasm." So very true.

    Ms. Stephenson often said to us in training, This child will only happen one time on this earth. One chance. They will never be back again as they are before us now.
